Here are some tips that I like to consider when I’m working out:

  • When I can’t be bothered to get up and head out to the gym I do ‘Blogilates’. This is a YouTube channel run by a girl called Cassey Ho, she makes 5-20 minute videos that encourage you to work out with her.
Blogilates YouTube channel

Blogilates YouTube channel

  • Do what you enjoy, because you’ll want to go back to it. If you get bored switch it up to keep your body guessing.
  • Make sure that you stretch. This is so important as it will help your muscles to grow and repair. It also helps to shift the lactic acid, which if left to build up will cause painful muscle strain.
Stretching with weights

Stretching with weights

  • It’s important to eat before and after working out. I find I need the energy especially if I’m doing vigorous cardio work. Afterwards I try to eat something that has protein in as this will help to speed up the muscle growth and repair.
  • If you are running make sure your trainers fit you properly so you are not damaging your feet and legs.
Gym trainers

Gym trainers

  • Take advantage of your metabolism after you’ve worked out. This is when it is at it’s fastest so you can sneak in a naughty treat and it will break down a lot quicker than usual.
  • Make sure you are sweating, if not you need to work out harder!
Sweating after a hard work-out.

Sweating after a hard work-out.

  • Have rest days and don’t overwork your body, this is very important because your body needs time to relax and repair.
  • You need to listen to your body, if something hurts and is causing you pain, stop.

All images sourced from ‘Getty Images’